When citing Laser AI, you can use the following:
Laser AI [Software]. Evidence Prime, (YEAR). Available from https://laser.ai
Transparency and accountability are essential in literature reviews, especially when AI tools are used. Disclosing the use of Laser AI in your literature review is important to maintain trust, foster collaboration, and ensure stakeholders understand the methodologies used in your review.
1. Credibility: Disclosing the use of AI ensures reviewers, policymakers, and end-users understand and trust the technology's role in your review and how it compares to the risks associated with AI.
2. Complying with Best Practices: Many organizations and regulatory bodies stress the need for transparency when utilizing AI tools. By openly documenting your use of Laser AI, you align with global best practices in research and evidence generation.
While there is currently no universal document on how AI should be referenced, different journals and publication houses have unique rules for referencing tools like Laser AI. For example NICE have a well laid out position statement of AI tools. Reviewers and teams should familiarize themselves with the specific guidelines or requirements of the platform where they plan to publish their work.
Include a Statement in Your Methods Section.
Generally, when drafting your literature review, include a clear and concise statement describing the use of AI in the methodology section. For example: "Laser AI (https://laser.ai/) was utilized to semi-automate the screening and data extraction processes during the systematic review. The tool utilizes machine-learning algorithms trained on medical literature to assist in identifying and extracting relevant information."