RESOURCES > Publications
This scoping review by the Guidelines International Network covers the principles for the use of AI in Health Guidelines.
The article explores the opportunities, challenges, and risks of using AI in systematic reviews, including large language models.
This study explores the use of Dextr, Laser AI’s predecessor, to improve data extraction efficiency in systematic evidence mapping.
Read about this AI-supported systematic review and how it helped a team of researchers summarise patients’ values and preferences related to allergic rhinitis.
McMaster University presented the performance of a machine learning model for screening observational studies as part of a living systematic review (LSR)
With machine learning models, Laser AI helped to reduce the screening workload by 43%.
Learn how machine learning and deduplication models by Laser AI have helped IGWiG with their living systematic reviews.
This peer-reviewed publication evaluated a web-based tool that semi-automates data extraction.
Learn how this meta-analysis, published in The Lancet, used GRADEpro and Laser AI by Evidence Prime to help present and confirm their data.